All the resources and services collected by Rural living are grouped into 7 themes of interest: work and entrepreneurship, education, health, housing, sports, culture and leisure and the environment.
Here you can find schedules, location, and contact information for public work offices (OTG). You can also find resources related to entrepreneurship (both public and private), counselling, workshops, life-long learning, collaborative spaces for networking (rural co-work spaces), etc.
This section is for families with school-aged children who need information about educational centers. You will also find information about language, art and ICT classes, as well as studying abroad.
You can look up the entire health network for your territory, including the primary care center closest to the reference hospital in the area.
Available links to the public housing office and different related public services.
Section where you can find all facilities, spaces and sports services in the area and sports clubs.
Libraries, exhibition halls, cultural centers, theatre groups, movie theatres, spaces for artistic creation, popular events, etc.
Information about public entities, as well as information offices for parks, natural areas and conservation associations that work for environmental sustainability.