
Viure a rural

Viure a rural

Virtual platform with resources and services that may be needed when you settle in a rural region in Catalonia.

Aimed at anyone who decides to live in a rural area. From those who relocate due to job opportunities, to families searching for a fresh start, and even start-up businesses.

Culture and leisure




Environment and mobility

Work and entrepreneurship



All the resources and services collected by Viure a rural (Rural living) are grouped into 7 themes of interest: work and entrepreneurship, education, health, housing, sports, culture and leisure and the environment. That being so, another way to find the information you need is by topic of interest.

See the services
Antenes d'acollida
Antenes d'Acollida

The Antennas points for new inhabitants give the necessary information at all those persons that decide to develop his or her professional project at the rural zones of Catalonia.

More information


Josa i Tuixent guanya un dels premis del Projecte d'Arrelament al Territori de l'ACM

Josa i Tuixent wins one of the ACM Territory Arreliance Project Awards

The award-winning proposal is the creation of a health and water area for turpentineers L’Associació Catalana de Municipis (ACM) (ACM), through the Fundació Transparència i Bon Govern Local (FTBG), announced this Tuesday morning, through an event broadcast by social networks, the four pilot initiatives to be carried out with the aim of combating depopulation in … Read more

Viure a rural (Rural living) is an campaign of the Odisseu project funded by the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food by Aid for cooperation co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (FEADER) within the framework of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia (2014 – 2020) and the General Directorate of Youth of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Families.

Entitats col·laboradores

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